Saturday, February 13, 2010

Are you Depressed on Valentine's Day?

In 2004, TRUE Beginnings conducted a scientific, provocative, and thought provoking investigation on the psychological impact of loneliness surrounding Valentine’s Day. The study suggests that single men and women do in fact experience heightened feelings of emotional distress in connection with Valentine's Day.

The study concluded that adults who reportedly did not participate in or receive gifts or other signs of affection in connection with Valentine's Day do exhibit symptoms of emotional stress, ranging from mild depression to anxiety. The study showed people experienced symptoms up to four weeks after the holiday and affect men and women in different ways. The holiday related stress experienced by men decreased within a few weeks after Valentine’s Day, but tend to increase in women over time.

The study seek to understand how societal norms surrounding Valentine's Day in Westernized societies have a harmful impact on the mental and emotional well-being of adult singles who are not involved in romantic relationships. These societal norms could be further influenced by race, age, and sexual orientation.


  1. it's midnight and I'm in front of my notebook... he's next to me in fron of his... this is not what I expected for a relationship... therefore I consider my 9 years son as my Valentine... family and friends can make your day too!

  2. I spent the day with family. Sure, I notice that I'm single, but it's no different than any other weekend. Besides, my Mom cooks, and none of the men I've dated in recent times do. Score one (of many) for Mom! :)
